Termites can cause extensive and costly damage to a property, but many people don’t realize they are there until it is too late. Understanding the signs of termites in your home can help you spot them before they get out of hand. These five signs are the most significant indicators of a problem.

1. Termite Droppings

Droppings, often mistaken as sawdust or sand, are a dead giveaway that termites are present. These droppings, or frass – a mix of digested wood and other materials, are usually light in color, roughly the size of a grain of salt, and can be found beneath windowsills and around the perimeter of your home. If you notice frass around your home, watch for other signs and contact a professional pest control company to evaluate the situation.

2. Hollowed or Damaged Wood are Obvious Signs of Termites

Termites will eat away at the wood in your home, leaving it with a hollowed-out and weakened structure. Weakened wood may be evident in beams and other supportive structures when insects destroy them from the inside out. If the wood looks soft and pitted or sounds hollow when tapped, it could signify termite damage.

3. Discarded Wings

After leaving their colony to start a new one, termites shed their wings, so finding wings around your home indicates a termite infestation. Piles of wings are usually found near doors and windows.

4. Mud Tubes

Mud tubes are narrow tunnels made of mud or soil that connect the termites’ underground nests to their food source (your home). These hollow tubes are usually about the width of a pencil and can be found around foundation walls and on concrete sidewalks or driveways.

5. Swarms are Definite Signs of Termites

Swarms of flying termites are a sure sign that you have an infestation. Swarmers usually appear during the warmer months, usually after spring rains. If you see what looks like a large group of flying ants in or around your home, it could be swarming termites looking for a place to start a colony.

It’s important for homeowners to watch for these signs of termites in their homes. If you suspect you have an infestation, contact a professional as soon as possible to prevent major damage and costly repairs. Early action can ensure your home stays safe.

RedCoat Property Group offers home inspections to customers in central Maryland, southern Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC. Contact us to request our services.